Wednesday 21 April 2010

Easter Weekend

The 2 Canadian volunteers, Richard and Alexis, arrived in the wee small hours of Easter Saturday. The heat varies between sunny, which is nice, and overcast, less so - if it was southern Europe you would expect thunder any minute, but apparently no rain is due for 2 months.

Saw a bit more of Ouaga - signs we drove past said 41 and 44 degrees! Two outings – one by taxi to the National Museum, weird complex of pavilions very widely spaced out in a dusty compound – the only one which was open had an exhibition of masks – fine masks, described mask by mask by a well informed guide – but no ventilation or air con and really meltingly hot. Alarming for objects as well as visitors!

And then on Easter Day Alexis, who is a Burkinabé volunteer recruited in Canada, kindly invited Richard and me to lunch with some relatives – where we had delicious guinea fowl and some Easter wine!

Then the challenge for the evening was trying to get all my luggage back into its containers, as I move to Bobo early tomorrow.

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